
Digital speedometer, 4 digits, contact reading system.
For the measurement of the angular and linear speed with rubber tips connected to the shaft of the device.
The measuring range goes from 0,2 up tu 20.000 rpm with automatic decimal point selection to always provide the highest measurement accuracy.
The device is equipped with a wheel for the linear speed detection.

Code: 0TACH


- Box (Plastic case with foam insert)
- Contact point holder
- Wheel for linear measurement
- Male conical contact point
- Female conical contact point

Technical Characteristics

Measuring range 0,2 ÷ 20.000
Reading system Contact
Linear speed 0,02 ÷ 2.000
Accuracy +/- 0,1 rpm up to a 999,9 rpm
+/- 0,005% from 1.000 to 20.000 rpm
Display 4 digits, LED
Working temperature 0°C ÷ 45°C
Batteries 4 AA 1,5V batteries
Dimensions 180 x 60 mm
Weight 0,4 Kg
Information request form
Tachometer (0TACH)

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